Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Blog! It's all about... poop! (kinda)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Peak of Summer

It was supposed to be the perfect Friday. I had it all planned out according to the weather report. A day of fun in the sun; spent at the neighborhood pool just a few houses down. But just as we are getting dressed a blasted migraine arrived. Too ashamed to call anyone for help again, I tried to make do.
Oh my heart, Sydney swooped in and handled everything! I laid down in bed for about 20 minutes to let the first stage pass (which is usually when I lose my eyesight and get the flashing auras, so I can't do much of anything and ANY light or sound is crippling). Sydney kept Kelli entertained and I could hear her outside the door getting her milk, reading stories and saying "sshhh Kelli, Mommy needs to rest right now". I'd hear them go up the stairs and their feet patter back and forth on the floor above me and to the playroom, and random giggles and squeals. I felt so terrible that this was putting a giant dent into our day and called my Mom to see if she could help (I finally caved when an hour passed and the pain wasn't letting up). I came out to check on them when it got quiet and found them snuggling quietly on the floor and watching Cat in the Hat.
Sydney told me "I have this under control Mom. You should be in bed"

Later I met my mom & the girls at the pool once I felt the worst was over. I was still a little light-sensitive but pretty determined to have my day! They were having a blast! Which is all I really wanted, so that elevated me some.

Kelli couldn't make up her mind between the water splashers or the pool, so she kept going back and forth between both. Never spending more than 60 seconds in each. Good exercise for me.

Once in a while she'd trick me and lay down to "sun bathe" and I'd lay next to her, but the second my head hit the chair, she was UP.


Zilker Umlauf Sculpture Gardens

I took Kelli to the gardens to let her scavenger new things, new plants and sights. It was fun to watch her explore everything and squeal as she scampered along. I caught this great view of the city atop a set of steps leading to one of the waterfalls. I love my town. Ewps... I should be watching my toddler...

Kelli had no concern for safety during our trip. I really think I need one of those teddy bear backpack things that has a leash? I know. Totally degrading and I swore I'd never do that. But she is one of THOSE kids.

I guess Kelli decided to get baptized again.
Saw the water.
Jumped right in.
I even had one hand on her shorts, but she managed the dive.

This was the only picture I got of her face the entire time because the rascal kept running away from me. I have about 200 photos of the back of her head, but managed to capture this smirk. I blew it up on canvas and it's above the fireplace. (the fireplace that doesn't work.... still.... after 4 years).

This is Kelli pouting in front of the Butler Window, she kept sitting on different rocks and fake-crying to get my attention bc I wouldn't walk with her as I wanted to get photos of different things along the way so she finally sat in front of me to really get the point across.

History of the Butler window: Michael Butler was a famous architect here in Austin that owned a brick company as well. UT has an architect department named after him. That was his house in downtown Austin but it was torn down in 1971 and made into a parking lot!!!! OUCH! They saved the window and a lot of different parts of the house and they glorify a lot of famous spots in Austin.
Photo: Butler House

Photo: Michael and Mary Jane Butler