We went to my "little" cousin Trinity's high school graduation party on Saturday. Kelli kept busy by unpacking my purse (as usual). You have to hide anything that can be unpacked around her! She is fricken nosey.

... and she doesn't play with any of it. Just rips it all out, throws it over her shoulder. Might find something she's never seen before, give it an inquisitive look, then move on until the entire floor is covered in nonsense and crazy.

This was Kelli's 1st birthday present (and really, her only present). It's something I always wanted to get Sydney, but we had a lot less money back in the day... so I was happy to get this one big ticket item for her. She won the big end of the stick on this one because she has everything else, thanks to Sydney's hand-me-downs!

This is her "hello! who's there?" pretending to be on the phone... not yet seperating the door greeting and phone greetings. I think that makes it cuter.

We had her actual birthday party on Sunday and some neighbors, family etc came over. Sydney and Julia got festive with the hats.. then planted themselves on the floor watching tv until someone said "cake..."

She had noooooo idea what was going on here.

She is like "what is the big friggen deal people?"

Finally, she just joined in with everyone and began clapping, too.

She doesn't really like cake, but she loves ice cream. So I got an ice cream cake... she was diggin' it after a little while.

Jonna, her rockstar, amazing, awesome babysitter (not taking anything away from Grandma) helped feed her the first honorary spoonfuls while I snapped pictures.

There we go.

If we didn't get Kelli anything for her birthday, she would have been just as happy with these balloons. Balloons are probably her 2nd favorite thing on this planet, next to her sister.

Monday we took Mona to the famous Buda Soda Fountain for ... you guessed it... more ice cream. Going to be in a sufar coma this week.

Kelli doesn't like to be held or sit much now. (nor does she like shoes or socks, so this poses a problem sometimes)

After a couple bites of ice cream, Kelli became very affectionate on her sister. (which is rare. she loooooves Sydney, but she is not an cuddly or affectionate baby)

Later at home we finally opened her presents from friends and family.

I take that back. Her most favorite thing on this planet.
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