Yep, that's right. I got them both in the tub. At the same time. On the same NIGHT, even. I feel like a hero. (now if I can get Sydney to put her craft down and go to bed so *I* can get a shower, maybe we'll ALL be clean)

Kelli had fun learning the words to "baa baa black sheep"... I wish I had gotten her verson on video. That was cute.

Sydney wore her daddy jammies tonight and wanted to take a picture and send it to him. This is Sydney making a "heart" around the words "daddy" with her arms. Hello!!!

Yeah I looked, there weren't any "I love Mommy" jammies, or "My Mom Rocks" jammies or "My Mom is AMAZING & PERFECT" jammies.

This is how Kelli answers the phone.
Not to her ear. On top of her head.
and says "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"
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