Never to conform... I got myself the odd pumpkin. It needed some love. And nothing says sexy like bloody warts, now does it? Yum! That's the look I'm going for here. Just some strategic paint.

Kelli used markers and some paint sponges to do her little pumpkins. And even SAID "pump-in" for the first time.

Sydney did a few of her own, but instead of carving pumpkins... she painted her Van Gohs on a couple white pumpkins. One is a haunted house and one has a cemetery with "spooky people" in it, and there was another one but someone (not me) must have dropped it in the kitchen while moving them outside (not me).

My mom got a cute photo of Kelli and I just before bath time. She really hates baths.
Once she heard the water running... she knew her fate.
She snuggled up next to me like it was the last time. (and I rarely get snuggles from Kelli, so I needed photographic evidence of this event). Love!
I think she thought if she acted cute and sweet, I wouldn't put her cute bum in that water and force her to get clean.
Clean you shall get, Princess!

After picking Sydney up from school, then Kelli... I snapped a photo of my youngest having a good time in the back seat as her big sister makes her giggle.

The latest photo of me. Thanks, Syd.
thats one badass pum in!