On our last day of 2010 we met my sister Wendy for lunch at Wholefoods in the city. We chatted and let the girls play on the playscape on the roof, then around all the neat landscaping for a while. Afterwards we hit up Anthropologie and REI, nothing to brag about but it was fun!

Kelli's Godmother looks like a very tough, protective lioness here!

I love getting a photo with Sydney when I can! But excuse my face. (and everything). I packed up the girls literally 3 minutes post 4 mile run. Kelli woke up from her nap, and when she is ready to go, she is ready. (which means, I cannot get ready)

Whatever sister does, Kelli does. We've hit the phase now where Kelli watches Sydney carefully and likes to copy almost everything she does. It's very cute.

The Texters came to visit us for NYE and help us ring in '11. This is little Cody's "cheeeeese" for the camera. (he is just a couple weeks older than Kelli... but already talks like a 3yo it's crazy)

Heck yeah Cody!

Our neighbor/friends, the Eckerlings, came over as well for '11 smash-up at the Eye's house. (oh yeah, and by smash up... I mean board games, baby monitors and mixing drinks in to-go coffee mugs! but hey, if you aint rollin' with the rest, come roll with the best! hm?)

Why guys have to constantly sit around and talk about diaper bags and craft blogs, I will never understand.

Kristina hasn't hit the coffee mug yet.

Best picture ever.

This looks like I'm serving underage kids at my party.
Andy looks like he's 12 in this photo.

Asked Keith to take a picture of me & Andy.
This is what we got.

Reason took over and I handed the camera to Brandy.

Sorry, I meant to dress up.

Aaron & Kristina's last couples picture of 2010!!!

Andy is ahead of everyone by 3 drinks at this point.

all babies are down, time for board games.

the last photo of me for 2010

So I'm kinda not sure what happened here but Aaron was saying something funny to make sure he got a photo of us all where Brandy wouldn't close her eyes.

This game is a lot like things. A question is asked and each person writes an answer, but then one person tries to guess who said each answer for a round of points. One answer was "grundle". Let's just say I learn something new everyday. Not always a bad thing. But in this case... it was.

Movie quotes. Aaron's specialty. My blog is not yet rated, so I cannot repeat.

Cooper the party animal! woot!

Cody & Kelli had no problem getting up at 7am. Parents were all happy about that.

Cody is thinking "that is not how you use a shot gun but ooooookaaaaay whateverrrrr"

Like an all American, red blooded Aggie would be raised no other way... this boy can shoot.

Frosty and Simon--- I mean... Kelli.

Sydney spent the night with Aunt Wendy & Uncle Christ for NYE (spoiled!) so the next day in 2011, we took the little ones to Zilker Park to play and ride the train.

Brandy & Keith especially loved the part when 3 guys came jogging past us in thong underwear (animal print, no less!). No doubt to get to the polar bear jump in Barton Springs pool for New Years (and Austin tradition). Also an Austin tradition to be extremely strange and have no inhibitions running around naked with your junk bouncing up and down in front of kids either. Which is why you didn't see ONE parent or trail walker bat an eye (except Keith & Brandy!!! haha!!!!). Keep Austin Weird my friends!

She was real antsy, but once the train began to move she was still as a statue. Pointing at everything (trees, water, boats, people, ducks etc). It was adorable. (as usual. what is *not* adorable about Kelli? Her fits are adorable!)

Aaaaah, taking in a nice day, this great city and a new year!

I've never been down here (even when running the trails) and NOT seen this guy playing music for everyone. He doesn't get paid. In fact I think he is homeless.

Kelli switched seats on the way back so she could see the trees and water.

So silent and still just taking everything in.

Time for lunch!!! Let's go get num nums Kelli! (that got her movin')
I love that she holds my hand. She isn't a cuddly or too affectionate baby, but she has her moments and it makes me light up! Syd always refused to hold my hand until she was a bit older. I always thought about getting those leashes.

Freddie's Place downtown has a playscape for kids where you can eat and let them play right next to you. Mom & Dad get to mingle and eat while the kids go and have their fun!

Wooo!!! Cody will go down that slide by himself at the speed of light if you're not lookin'!

Kelli loved playing with rocks and ash trays. Awesome.
So if you're wondering what to get her for her 2nd birthday....