I took Kelli to her first "official" storytime today. Figuring this kid LOVES books and sitting down & reading, she'd probably do well at the library (verses book store). At home she grabs books and says "read? read? ok!" then plops down on my lap and we could do that for hours and she'd be happy!

Percent that worked at the library?
She was ALL over the place. On the chair. Off the chair. This chair. That chair. This book. That book. Other kids came and suddenly this is "MINE!" and thats "MINE!" and then there was a fun, colorful pillow thing to roll around on the floor and squeal, books to throw off the shelves, so needless to say our "storytime" was more of a pandamonium and lasted around 15 minutes.

Off to Central Market for a playdate with her little friend Maya (and I met with a couple friends there as well). We got there early so we shopped for a few things in the grocery section.

Per usual, we cannot get through the grocery store without eating everything in sight.

After lunch and playing (and the rucous at the library) I had one zonked out munchkin!!
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