Saturday, January 14, 2012

Excuses are like...

I always go back to this.  One of my biggest pet peeves is when others complain about situations whether it's being in a bad relationship, feeling sick all the time, being over-weight, not able to run a 5k, feeling "bloated", having headaches, always being broke etc ETC.  It's hard for me to get over this intolerance, and I KNOW it's a character flaw of mine.  I am a pretty compassionate person but if you find it important enough to complain to me (and beat yourself up about it), then it's something you should feel is important to DO something about.  I've come to realize that I may really hate this behavior because during a long period in my life; that was me.  I complained about my health, but wasn't vigilant about it.  I complained about weight gain but ate nachos instead of salad.  I would repeatedly run to friends when something in my relationship wasn't right, but the wrongs kept happening because I let them.  I realized that complaining about it all is just the easy way to validate yourself and your feelings and "take a stand" on the problem without actually doing anything about it.  But when you consistently complain without being proactive, you are making it everyone else's problem.  That's when relationships begin to suffer.  No one wants to listen to you bitch about not having money or being overweight if you're not going to get an extra job or set a budget or stop shopping online at work... or going for pizza and eating fried foods on the menu & not making time for exercise.  WHY COMPLAIN if you don't have plans to DO anything about it?

So this is my motto (and I wish someone had shoved this in my face several years ago)... if it's that important you WILL (and can) find a way.  If not, there will always be an excuse.  Is it wrong?  Not necessarily, but you have to analyze your goals a little better & then set realistic ones.  If you're not willing to do the work to improve your situation (whatever it is), then move on.  If you hate being overweight, but you just cannot stop making excuses- then you have to accept yourself the way you are and stop beating yourself up.  Either accept it or change. Skinny people are not "lucky".  Rich people are not "lucky". Happiness takes work.

At one point, I wrote a BOOK on excuses.  Believe me, I know them all and I've used them all.  I used to think there was no way I could find time to exercise, or afford healthy foods, or enjoy a night out with friends without getting a migraine, or that I would EVER feel completely healthy because I had so many convenient crutches to lean on.  Woe was me because I'd never be happy or healthy.

Once I began to make exercise a priority, things began to fall into place.  Soon, it wasn't even an option.  Like I don't look at any certain day and say "no time to exercise" because it is part of my JOB to do it.  So usually it's the other stuff that I don't have time for, and that is okay!  It's okay to have Grandma take Sydney to gymnastics, or bring them to the gym with me, or not have a fancy meal in the evenings (but instead do something active as a family).  Exercise is part of my job and I never call in sick.  Reason is because it is a part of my health and my vitality, it gives me energy, it increases blood flow and improves my mental sharpness.  Same with sleep and eating habits.  No more excuses that I can't afford healthy foods because when I eat clean and stick to it, I don't need to take hundreds of prescription pills for one ailment or the other.  I havent been to the pharmacy in 11 months, so when you deduct the cost of medications- you CAN afford healthy food.  So which would you rather pay for?  Chemical drugs that give you disgusting side effects?  Or natural, whole foods that improve the quality of your life?

If you find yourself feeling sorry for yourself, step back and figure out WHAT got you there and WHAT is keeping you there.  If you want to keep making excuses then it's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself.  For every excuse, there is a way.

Someone once told me that if I "can't" run in the rain, or when it's "too cold" or "too hot"... then I'm not a serious & true runner.  That got me pissed enough to run no matter what (and believe me, I'd rather run when it's 105* outside then when it's 35*, uuuuuugh!). If I have to take the stroller, or put on layers (or peel OFF layers) or whatever; run with a freaking umbrella... I'm running.  I'd rather be taken seriously then be laughed at.

NYE 2012

For New Years Andy and I drove to Houston to visit our amazing friends Keith & Brandy.  Incase you don't know them, I went to school with Keith back in my College Station days and he got stuck with me on a life-long basis.  Poor him.  Luckily we both got married and now the four of us (and our kids) are a big happy family (usually).
Well, to show our old school spirit we attended the Aggie bowl game, which was a blast and brought back a trillion memories.  Especially watching the Aggie Band.

It was a good thing the Aggies won, because we all know they haven't been the best team but my hopes are high for them improving in the new conference.  I might actually start watching football again.

New Years eve we were ROCK STARS.  Went out to eat in the Woodlands and then back to the Texter's for board games.  It got pretty wild.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fibromyalgia Flare Up

I am trying to pinpoint why my fibromyalgia is flaring again- and I think I realize I have gone so long without that pain, that I became complacent about my health and it's vulnerabilities (in other words: I've been taking my health for granted).  It's been so long (almost a year) that I had forgotten what the pain feels like until I slipped on some jeans the other day.  And instead of feeling them touch my legs as usual, it felt like the material was literally scraping and burning my skin off.  I've had to wear knee high socks for a couple of days to soften the blow when the jeans rub against my calves etc.  I also had my braces tightened and the mouth sores that came as a result feel like a thousand needles.  As usual with a fibro-flare, the back pain has returned.  It's annoying because it's like I have the flu and have that dull, throbbing ache right in the middle of my back.  My trainer started me back on upper body Tuesday and I had to keep telling myself the pain is from being on the bench for 8 weeks but my back denied it.  Nothing is injured, it's just that the use of those muscles isn't like a "sore workout" type of pain, it suddenly becomes a gigantic ring of pain around the center of my back and the only comparison to pain I can give you (forgive me) is like being bitten by a horse (bear with me here).  That happened to me.  True story.  Frosty was a bitchy horse with an attitude, I was 4 years old and 'accidentally' turned my back to her while she was being groomed by my sister and CHOMP, she took a huge bite out of my back and it was black and green for 3 months!  So in comparison, that's what it feels like during my workout.  But I know it's just my nerves sending the wrong signals to my brain, and keep in mind it isn't an injury.  The pain is not real, it's just that what I FEEL is real (make sense?).  So I just keep going, knowing that if I don't use it, I'll lose it.  After so long, I would just tell myself Fibromyalgia is a fake diagnosis, that I never really had it.  Then it returns and I'm reminded.  I wish I were crazy, though.

I know this is from lack of sleep.  Sydney & Kelli have it in their heads that there is a ghost upstairs that plays peek a boo with them at night and I am awoken 2-4 times a night.  Normally I make sure to have at least 8+ hours of sleep and I'm successful at it (normally).

So whoever this ghost is, I'm ready to call a Priest and burn some incense.  And if I could see it, I'd beat the crap out of it.

Sara needs sleep.  And I am *not* taking sleep aids ever again.

I refuse to keep this cycle going, now that I know how it works.  If you limit your activity due to pain, the cycle will come full circle and you lose, so fight the pain... mind over matter.  I

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2 Half Marathons in a week. Boom.

Well Sara made an ewpsies!  I accidentally overbooked my "running schedule", whatever that is or means.  But this will be fun.  I am running my first 3M half marathon here in Austin because I hear this race has swagger (and it's downhill but who cares right?), but most importantly it's my first race IN the city I live this year.  And I don't know why, but that's exciting.  Just is.  That, and I happen to live in the greatest city of all time ever on earth.  Well, maybe America.  So it's just awesome to run here.  Then 6 days later I fly out to California (solo) for the Davis Stampede, which my best friend (and rock star soul mate) is organizing with her company Change of Pace.  Check them out.

So, aside from accidentally booking two half marathons (I can do it.  Right?) I'm just excited to get out and see my best friend.  Hopefully while I'm up there we can swing up to San Francisco and visit my other amazing, talented and beautiful friend Nikki.  Y'all, you MUST check out her art work over at the San Francisco RAW Artists website Get Blown Away

So that's it.  I just wanted to unload that giant humble brag on me and my friends.

Friday, January 6, 2012

What is your body type?

I recently read an article about training for your specific body type and I thought, "Huh?" But after reading it was a little interesting because when you look around you see so many different shapes, sizes and builds.  So it makes sense that there is a list out there of "body types".

It was actually created by Dr. William Sheldon in the 1940's.  Confusingly enough, he says that "most" of the population is a "mixture" of these three somatotypes.  Well, that doesn't help. Much.

But if you fit into one of these categories and hopefully just two, then I bet you could better design individualized training.  We all know you should eat clean and move often.  But how, what, when, where are different for body types.  (Apparently.  I'm new to this).

There is an ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph.  I am a mesomorph (or mutt-mix of mesomorph & endomorph).  A hybrid, if you will.


  • Fragile
  • Thin
  • Flat chest
  • Delicate build
  • Young appearance
  • Tall
  • Lightly muscled
  • Stoop-shouldered
  • Large brain (wait, maybe I'm a mix of all three...hmm)
  • Has trouble gaining weight
  • Muscle growth takes longer
  • Athletic
  • Hard, muscular body
  • Overly mature appearance (shut up)
  • Rectangular shaped (hourglass shaped for women)
  • Thick skin
  • Upright posture
  • Gains or loses weight easily
  • Grows muscle quickly

  • Soft body
  • Flabby
  • Underdeveloped muscles
  • Round shaped
  • Over-developed digestive system
  • Trouble losing weight
  • Generally gains muscle easily

What I can take away from this:
(1)  I am not Kate Moss
(2)  I never could be
(3)  I should stop eating chocolate
(4)  I add muscle easily but it can be harder to shed fat. Examine #3 again.
(5)  Do moderate cardio in the mornings, heavy cardio in the afternoon or evenings.
(6)  Stop eating chocolate

I know there is more to this "body type" thing and in fact there are like 1800 variations of these three somatotypes.  I definitely have the hour glass thing going on, but being so short I tend to have more 'sand' on the bottom, if you know what I mean.

Which body type are you?
If you actually care, check this out Body Type

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Make Your Own Energy Gels!

Runners (or uber athletes) who follow Paleo may miss those fast-popping energy gels for the 10th mile.  I found an awesome way to make your own:

Blend the following in a blender or food processor:
  • 8 medjool dates or 10 to 12 pitted dates (soaking them overnight makes these easier to blend)
  • 4 tablespoons agave or maple syrup or honey
  • 4 tablespoons chia seeds (high in protein, fiber, omega-3s, calcium)
  • 4 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon zest
  • 2 tablespoons lime zest
  • 2 teaspoon dulce (seaweed) flakes, snipped in tiny pieces
  • couple of pinches of sea salt
It's all about the dates!