Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fibromyalgia Flare Up

I am trying to pinpoint why my fibromyalgia is flaring again- and I think I realize I have gone so long without that pain, that I became complacent about my health and it's vulnerabilities (in other words: I've been taking my health for granted).  It's been so long (almost a year) that I had forgotten what the pain feels like until I slipped on some jeans the other day.  And instead of feeling them touch my legs as usual, it felt like the material was literally scraping and burning my skin off.  I've had to wear knee high socks for a couple of days to soften the blow when the jeans rub against my calves etc.  I also had my braces tightened and the mouth sores that came as a result feel like a thousand needles.  As usual with a fibro-flare, the back pain has returned.  It's annoying because it's like I have the flu and have that dull, throbbing ache right in the middle of my back.  My trainer started me back on upper body Tuesday and I had to keep telling myself the pain is from being on the bench for 8 weeks but my back denied it.  Nothing is injured, it's just that the use of those muscles isn't like a "sore workout" type of pain, it suddenly becomes a gigantic ring of pain around the center of my back and the only comparison to pain I can give you (forgive me) is like being bitten by a horse (bear with me here).  That happened to me.  True story.  Frosty was a bitchy horse with an attitude, I was 4 years old and 'accidentally' turned my back to her while she was being groomed by my sister and CHOMP, she took a huge bite out of my back and it was black and green for 3 months!  So in comparison, that's what it feels like during my workout.  But I know it's just my nerves sending the wrong signals to my brain, and keep in mind it isn't an injury.  The pain is not real, it's just that what I FEEL is real (make sense?).  So I just keep going, knowing that if I don't use it, I'll lose it.  After so long, I would just tell myself Fibromyalgia is a fake diagnosis, that I never really had it.  Then it returns and I'm reminded.  I wish I were crazy, though.

I know this is from lack of sleep.  Sydney & Kelli have it in their heads that there is a ghost upstairs that plays peek a boo with them at night and I am awoken 2-4 times a night.  Normally I make sure to have at least 8+ hours of sleep and I'm successful at it (normally).

So whoever this ghost is, I'm ready to call a Priest and burn some incense.  And if I could see it, I'd beat the crap out of it.

Sara needs sleep.  And I am *not* taking sleep aids ever again.

I refuse to keep this cycle going, now that I know how it works.  If you limit your activity due to pain, the cycle will come full circle and you lose, so fight the pain... mind over matter.  I

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