Marching into the park

she giggled so much on this ride (so i heard, we were riding a "big kid" ride at the time while jenny & mom stayed with the girls).

riding the big red car on a Wiggles ride.

Trying to get a picture of Sydney & Jenny. No clue who these guys are, but I love how they posed so nice for me. This is a great shot!

Sydney was really brave, and got on alot of rides I would never have guessed she'd go on!

Even this one!! She's up in the green car!

She introduced Kelli to baby Scrappy (who is Scooby Doo's little brother...the irony? she caught it obviously).

The log ride, which had 2 HUGE drop-offs that Sydney didn't seem to care about. I mean, at least one of them was a long, and steep drop and even *I* was nervous about her and the fact that they don't have secure seatbelts on this ride but she was just like "WOOO HOOO!!!!!".

This was the small one. I didn't take pictures of the big drop because I was soaked.

On our way out of the park, my little worker ant, who was still busy with energy at 9pm, had to do her part of picking up all of the knocked over cones in the parking lot and picking up trash and putting it in the proper disposal areas. Yep... after 11 hours of running around in an amusement park.

I thought that was pretty. But it also made me wish I was at home in bed and not have to ride home for an hour with two kids under age 4.

Kelli was restless for a while so I figured out she wanted to be bundled up. We didn't have blankets in the car so I grabbed one of Andy's shirts from the dry-cleaning bag and wrapped her up. Then Sydney said she wanted a "blanket" and I explained we dont have one and she said "I want Daddy's shirt" so I got another one and wrapped her up too. Both were happy, and quiet the rest of the way home!

Watching Cinderella on her dvd player. I love her faces when she is listening to the mice sing in this movie, it's so cute.
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