I looked out this morning and saw my rose bush has gotten HUGE. Seemingly overnight. I couldn't believe how big it was. I was just watering it the other day, too. And nearly every branch was blooming.

Random: We went to Target yesterday and I think it's funny how we always seem to run into one of my mom's friends somewhere as she's carrying one of her granddaughters. She is always showing one of them off, and it's cute. Well, she hadn't introduced Kelli to her friend YET, and Sydney got offended and stepped in to properly introduce her little sister and make sure that the woman agreed she was cute. No one was allowed to chat with each other until that matter of business was taken care of first. Then we marched off to Starbucks where Sydney ordered a hot chocolate (it was 102* outside, but whatever) and then quickly splattered it all over the bread isle 3 minutes later.
the rose bush looks amazing!!