We had dinner with some friends last night. Andy's partner Jim and his girlfriend Amanda met up at a mutual friend, Kevin's house. He & his wife cooked for us, which was really nice! Their youngest son has a crush on Amanda.

Kevin made poached pears with coconut ice cream. It was so good I had to take a picture! (and yep, I had to explain to everyone at the table why I was taking a picture.)

Kell-Bell was a trooper.

Dinner was really fun. Jim & Amanda always have good stories to share. This time, and one of my favs so far, was about a renter's car that exploded in their driveway. They even had pictures of it. True story, I saw the photos.

So cute!!!

Kevin is a REALLY, really nice guy.

JUST before we leave, Kelli decides to join the conversation. I didn't get pictures of Syd and the other boys, but Kevin had a boy who was 4 and Jim's son who is 7. They all played really well together. Syd was lively during dinner, as usual, telling everyone jokes and also offered to start us off in prayer clearing her throat and instructing us all to follow her words. Afterwards they went off to play and 10 minutes later Gabe quietly walks up to Andy and whispers "you daughter needs help" and Andy gets up. I KNEW then and there my "shy" little girl had probably already tried to engage her new friend in helping her in the bathroom and he was totally shocked. And yep, that is what happened. And nope. 7yo Gabe was not about to help Sydney go #2. But that certainly was not the highlight of our dinner. We had a great conversation and the food was great, wine was great and the kids got along. Good times.
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