Ze Frank reminded us how healthy and easy "ants on a log" are, so we've been making alot of those as snacks, though we use a different mix of raisins, craisins and other dried fruit for the ants and its really tasty!

Lately, Kelli has been talking alot more and overall just DOING more. She sits on my lap sometimes while we eat and on a few occasions has grabbed the spoon out of my hand and tried to put it in HER mouth! (though she does that with everything, the situation was more funny with the spoon). She can actually get somewhere army crawling now, but still uses her head to do most of the pushing! Rolls front to back and back to front and has very good eye-hand coordination to play with all of her toys. She loooooooves her big sister and just laughs and stares at her. She loves to observe Sydney and if I happen to be in her way or turn her away from Sydney, she gets a little angry!

I hosted a playdate at our house yesterday. I ordered some CUTE crafts from oriental trading to decorate pumpkins (or even just construction paper) with funny faces, vampire faces, kitties, or pirates. they came out really cute. then i had some stuff to make face masks. Sydney said the above pumpkin is her rendition of her little sister Kelli. Looks just like her huh?

All the kids made cute decorations. Riley was so cute... she made a "titty" pumpkin!!!! haha! and then she named her "fuzzy buns". ooooh I love the Dienna kiddos! Off course Mikey (who is our group pirate) made a pirate pumpkin named Captain Blackbeard.

Sydney's completed projects! I was so impressed!!!! I didn't even help her! (okay a liiiiiiiiittle bit!) Though she (we) did get ideas from the instruction papers.

This morning we made princess pancakes with a twist. We got out the cookie cutters!

She told me that each time she ate a heart shaped princess pancake her belly grew bigger with love because each heart was like medicine for HER heart that made it grow. We made one star pancake to boost her superpowers. Naturally.
love the pancakes!!!