But we loaded everyone up (bags, snacks, strollers, inhalers, you name it...) and went to the mall.
To get my ONE thing I needed.

And ended up doing just about everything BUT getting the one thing I needed.
$10 for 5 minutes. *chuckle chuckle*

She had a BLAST, though.

On the way home the sun came out and Andy had to borrow one of my pairs of sunglasses.
I dug out the most "male" pair I could find (out of the 956 pairs I had in the glove compartment)... and I think he looked like one of those kids form Jersey Shore.

Sydney is hopped up on all the albuterol from her nebulizer, it's making her REALLY hyper, and as if she didn't talk a lot in normal circumstances, this is ridiculous. AND we're stuck in a car with her. "Mom do you remember that time when we made the dolls and fed them paper....do you? Mom remember when we were pretending the paper was food and we fed my dollies?" /huh? yeah I guess/"Mom you're ignoring me. I'm not going to talk to you anymore. Except when I need something. Dad? When we get up to the light, I'll tell you when to turn, okay? And then when we go past a pool, we'll go by a park. Do you know what pool and park start with? .... Do you Dad? Dad? Are you listening?"/ yes Sydney/"Then tell me what I just said"
And that's about how the entire car ride was.
Somehow Kelli slept through it ALL.

Memaw came by to deliver Valentines! Kelli saw Puffs in her bag and started crying right away because she couldn't get them open. COMEDY!!! Like, someone had to open them NOW, and sprinkle them for her.

Syd got a puzzle, stickers and M&Ms.

And whiskers on kittens... and those are a few of her faaaaavorite things!

Kelli's got this man wrapped around her fingers.

After nap.
"Gaurd! I'm ready for my meal & phone call!"

My sister stopped by to see the kids (yay!! more distractions!)

I tried to get more good pictures of them in matching V-day outfits. no dice.

Uncle Doug painted with Syd...

While Kelli kissed Aunt Jenny's butt! haha

Later I was trying to teach Kelli to make kisses.

We'll try again later.

Sydney pouting in the pantry bc she didn't like my choice of dinner.
WHAT child doesnt want macaroni???

She was challenged to find something better, but couldn't.
so macaroni, turkey and broccoli it was.

Conclusion of our evening, Sydney teaching Kelli how to say "Yay!".
andy looks good in those glasses :)