When I dropped her off at the daycare in the gym, (I don't even want to call it a gym, it's a "fitness club" it's so fancy)... she was SO happy.

Then I heard my name on the loud speaker to "report" to the child center. I thought, great, what did Sydney do? haha.
Nope. Kelli was crying her head off and wouldn't stop. I picked her up and she passed out.
I'll probably talk to the director of the center because this is the 3rd time it's happened here and that has never happened at the YMCA. I don't know what all of their policies are, and I know they get more traffic there, but for crying?
I think she might have been teething so I gave her tylenol and bounced her around, Sydney played some more but Kelli was NOT happy being there anymore so we went to the cafe and ate and Kelli got upset again so we skipped the zoo (poor Sydney... didn't get to swim either!) and went home.

I apologized to Sydney and she said "today has been a great experience anyway".
what a trooper.

To make up for missing the pool & the zoo... she got a package from Trace in the mail!

He sent her a Valentine monkey!

And a princess card. (happy again)

This is how I spent all evening (and why I didn't get to study a BIT)

Between trying to use the 'free' 2 hour childcare at the gym to study (no dice) and Sydney's ballet lesson (no dice) this is what Kelli did to me. Pulled on my pants all day, cried, wouldn't let me put her down, cried some more. I ended up caving and gave her the big guns: ibuprofren. And that actually seemed to do the trick for a little bit. Thank God Sydney wasn't so needy yesterday.
I couldn't get ANY babysitters. None.
So I am about to take a test without one ounce of studying under my belt.
So far I have one B+ and an A+ and I'm trying to stay on that track! I'll die if I get anything under a B.
i'll bet you aced it! man you were up early...4:42??!!!