Sydney & Papa share the bowl after making cupcakes.
Swiper no swiping!

Kelli's favorite thing to do: jump around and play on our bed nakey!

Here comes trouble!!!


on the count of 3 I grab her and throw her into the pillows. her favorite game. I love her look of mischief.

Took the girls for sno-cones the days before my California trip. Sydney got chocolate with cream topping and I got lemon. In true, recent fashion... she decided AFTER we sit down she wanted what *I* had instead. I said "too bad". She is queen of "changed my mind". Oh well... I let her go get a lemon anyway. I really wanted her to enjoy our girls day out together before my trip.

Back at home:
"my name is Sydney. this is my cool trick. COOL TRICKS COOL TRICKS!!! MY NAME IS SYDNEY!!!!! and cup-stacking is my cool trick!"
Yo Gabba Gabba, thanks.

She took this picture of me. One picture where I don't look... well, actually I do look tired. Nevermind. But it's a decent photo. A+
i love the first pic!!!!!!!!!