I can never get them both looking at the camera and smiling :::sighhhhh:::
Sydney is just "I'm smiling-see?-now let's go feed the goats and ride the train-BYE"
and Kelli is like "whatever, when was the last time I did something you asked? psh. I'm thirsty. Get a shot of this"

After I BEG them to pleeeeeease just smile and look cute, I get Sydney looking like an aged turtle peeking out of its shell and now Kelli is pissed because this has taken 30 seconds longer than she would prefer.

Kelli LOVED the monkeys. She had this expression on her face like "wow, those are real? like not just in books, but in real life for real?"... but then we moved on to the tigers. She had to get out of the stroller! She began squealing, then pointing at them and looking at me as if she was showing ME "look! tigers! look Mom!". I think we stood there for a good 8 minutes and tried to move on but Kelli wouldn't budge. Then one of the tigers ROARED and growled really loud, which really caught her attention. Sydney cried and crawled into the stroller and begged to leave NOW, but Kelli was laughing, stomping her feet and talking back at the Bengals. It was adorable. She's like "yeah I'll take you on, let me in there!"

"Nope. I wanna stay with the tigers"
I had to pick her up and carry her. Then she saw the lions.
And had another hyper attack, squealing and dancing and pointing.
Needless to say she loved the zoo!

Even the piggies! Oink!

This one was literally sleeping in a big pond of mud. Too cute.

She thought it was SOOOOO cool how big sister could interract with the sheep and goats and feed them. Kelli did more dancing and squealing here too and Sydney enjoyed teaching her about these animals.

Syd was disappointed we couldn't ride the train but we had a good time. It was hot as heck outside- 96. And hardly a cloud in the sky. But I figured after a week of being indoors and Kelli's illness etc, the kids deserved a fun trip outside and something fun.
I'm not sure what I love more here. The pics of Kelli in awe with the animals or the fact that the girls are dressed in "animal motifs". LOL. Toooooo cute! Cant wait to go to the zoo this year, I'm thinking Roger Williams, haven't been with Ally old enough to know what we were doing yet.