Saturday, August 28, 2010

Creepy Crawlies AND Cutie Crawlies.

So I went out back to let my parents' dog out and as I'm looking toward the north I see a dark spot on my neighbor's shed. Then I realize it's kind of big and go to take a closer look and its. a. SPIDER.
A freaking BIG spider. This picture doesn't do the size justice. It was huge.
I felt it needed to be a dead spider, so I go next door.
No one is home!!
But I can't just LEAVE it there.
No way.
That's too close to MY house. (the thought of it crawling over the fence? no.)
So I just kind of help myself into their yard with a shovel and a can of Raid. Oh. MY. Gawwwwwwwd. It's legs had to have been as long as my fingers. So disgusting. I whacked it 100 times with the garden shovel and the bastard wouldn't DIE!!! so it took nearly the entire can of Raid before it stopped trying to crawl back UP the shed!!!! Sooooooooo disgusting. This thing was huge. And the belly was yellow. I looked it up and it's called "garden spider" and is apparently good for plants and gardens.

Andy tells me every time he comes back in town that he's going to take my car in to get washed and detailed. But he never does. He takes HIS car in to be cleaned. He'll say "ill do it this week". And it gets put off. He knows I can't go with both kids and do this. But I finally gave up after being told this like 5 times and instead being put off for HIS car, which is CLEAN bc no one ever drives it and it sits in the GARAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway (in an un-angry voice).... I just said forget it... took both girls and went to get my car cleaned and detailed. Spent the stupid $80 and had them play in the waiting room, make noise, make a mess, scream and yell and run all over the place for an hour. Yes, an hour. That's how dirty my car was.

They made a HUGE mess all over the place and were SO noisy and crazy. But Kelli had fun.

My parents came back from visiting my brother in North Carolina and my mom wasn't 2 feet in the door before Kelli took a look at her and began dragging her to the table to read. She sees MeMaw and immediately wants to sit at the table and read magazines or the paper. That is a "Kelli & MeMaw" thing. Their special thing, only between the two of them. It's really cute. Each morning Kelli sits on her lap and they read the paper. I guess she missed MeMaw for those 10 days and wanted to catch up!

Sharon's Shindig

Catherine, Sharon, Vicki & Me
Wine party at Sharon's

Sharon's artistic expression of her anxious anticipation of her husband's return from Afghanistan.

My artistic expression of how highly I think of myself.

Rebecca tried really hard to smell what was in that wine.
None of us got it right.

Pamler Fountains

This is the area where I park and begin my runs each early morning, and also where I take Kelli to play in the fountains while Sydney is in school. I love the view of downtown and all the hills and landscaping. When I begin my runs, it's usually 5am and still dark outside so the city is lit up and sky is dark, so I watch it go from night to day and it's really nice. Right over that small hill is the river, which I sometimes run along when it gets light out... other times I take different routes around the city.

Kelli liked going up and down this gravel hill because she enjoyed the noise it made under her shoes as the rocks crunched and crunched.

Then we de-robed and played in the water.

Afterwards we find some shade and dry off, get a new diaper and put dry socks on and clothes. She likes to squirm and wiggle and run off while giggling at me, like haha try and catch me if you can!!! Right here is where I noticed a guy getting out of his Lexus SUV and unloading a bike off the back. Nothing unusual about it but I like to keep an eye on my surroundings all the time and know what's around me. Just as I took off after Kelli (who scampered off in a diaper to climb a hill) I saw this man hop on his bike....
in nothing but a t-back g-string.
no shoes.
and ride off towards Barton Springs.
with the sound of his car beeper beeping that the doors were being locked.
in his defense... it was hot outside. And I hope he had a great bike ride!
I love Austin.

I finally caught up to this booger.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Week of Pre-K

She survived.
Still having a bit of anxiety but she says she loves her new school and friends!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First day of school

Sydney started her first day at St. Gabriels. (I forgot to put on her tie). She looks so grown up and sweet! I could die. I didn't cry or get sad like a lot of other mommies talk about. But it was definitely exciting and a big moment. She was ready about 20 minutes early and was banging Andy's office door down that whole time begging him to pleeeeeeeeeeease hurry and take her to school. She couldn't wait.

This was their little pre-pre-K pep talk about making friends.

The mandatory parent-kid photos!

She has been excited and her first two days were good. Though on her 2nd day she was sent to the nurse's office twice over silly things she really didn't need to go to the nurse for- I think she just made a big deal and insisted. She's had a lot of changes here with leaving her friends at Primrose and entering a new (much bigger) school (with uniforms, more teachers and rules), plus Andy has been out of town so much more and I think that has effected her a little in that he's been absent while the changes have started to go into effect. It seems so subtle, and not a big deal, but Sydney is highly intelligent and sensitive so she picks up on the slightest thing. So day 3 was very emotional. Let's just say there were a lot more monsters in her bedroom that night.

Friday, August 13, 2010

my besty

My visit was too short.

Some California Pictures I forgot to upload!

This is how I was greeted at the airport!!!! So cute!

Then I met Kellan. Love at first sight!

Look at this sweet face. Seriously. I love Aidy!

I am workin' some "sleepy magic" on Kellan at the Walmart check out line!
During our many trips to several stores to fix up the guest room. It was a success!

Lindsay being super cute at Yosemite!

I am checking out the scenery.

Taking a break at a cafe outside of Yosemite Falls... I'm having some fun with this little stud.

We waited - no kidding - 18 minutes at this cross walk before they let us cross and walk to the falls. It took foreeeeeeeeeeverrrrrrrr. So I stood there and looked up a lot.

When we got up to the Falls I decided to get "in".
It was cold.

Getting in didn't take long.
Like I said.
It was cold.

Before I left, they all waved goodbye.

Wildlife Ranch with the girls!

Been trying to get more 'field trips' with the girls before I go back to school, hence the fountains and sno-cones and wildlife park etc. I'd rather do less errands and more fun stuff with the three of us together, so that's been my goal the last 4 weeks. We've had fun! Kelli is digging her new favorite snack (above): apples. She also has a favorite book: Dr. Suess, The Foot Book... to which the other day she handed it to me to read her and clear-as-day said to me "fut-but", which I'm assuming means "foot book" because that is what we've always called it. She has done it a few times now... each time we pick it up "fut but"

We got to the Wildlife Ranch and kids are allowed to feed the animals from the car as you go 5mph through the park, so I let them out of their seats. Kelli had no idea what to do here. She was a bit timid at first. Then she warmed up with all the squealing and dancing as soon as she saw animals!

I got video of all the squeals, pointing and dancing.

Look at this Mona-Junior!

Then she decided she was going to try her hand at driving.

I love how she's looking at me here! Affection is rare with Kelli!!


Sydney does not like ostriches!!!!

Loved feeding the zebras!

Kelli's first one-on-one with goats... she was getting frustrated and kept "shooing" them away, then finally I showed her that we can pet and touch them... and she got interested. Especially with the words "soft" and "nice"

Her new peeps.

Sydney's favorite are the babies.

These babies were play fighting, it was adorable!!!

10 minutes into my drive home...


love those girls!