Kelli's favorite play time. Once I start counting "onnnne.... twoooo... threeee" she knows it's time to wrestle on the bed and starts running into my room and towards our bed. She gets up there and recently began crawling under the sheets. I'd make a fort by lifting them up with my arms and leg and she gets such a tickle out of it, begins squealing and rolling over... it's the cutest sight. Sydney likes to join in when she can.

Sydney will get under covers, too, and Kelli pounces on her and like a button, once Kelli gets her, Sydney giggles or screams which makes Kelli laugh hysterically. I got video of this but blogger won't let me upload it.

During Kelli's morning nap I took Sydney to the gym, got a workout then we headed to Booster Juice for a treat. I had to get a ton of work done filling out papers, contracts and stuff for Sydney's school and my school, pay a bunch of bills and so on. So we sat there and they have a little table for little people and Syd played on the computer while I paid bills and filled out a mountain of paperwork. It didn't seem to ever end! But I had an amazing mango smoothie with added fiber boost! yum!

Sending Sydney to this new private school is almost a fulltime job now! This isn't even 1/4 of the paperwork I had to fill out here. The rest is sitting on the chair to the right. But there are ethics contracts, computer safety contracts, carpool/drop of/pick up contracts, health & permission to treat contracts, then tons of forms to fill out if you want your child to participate in this or that activity, forms to fill out just to pick out their lunches for the year, website to go to so you can order "spirit wear" which is for days they don't have to wear a uniform, but it still must be from this company, adding all of the important playdates, coffees, meetups, orientations, conferences, curriculum nights, days of mass etc to my calendar for the next 3 months... and I'm not sure how many times I had to fill out our addresses, emails, numbers, lisence plate numbers, driver lisence numbers, etc etc etc. Whew.

Sydney began getting sick around Monday. We thought it was a sinus thing because she said her head hurt and had a stuffy nose, but her head hurt so bad she wanted to lay down and have a cold pack on her. It later kept developing and then the croup cough started so she's been on the nebulizer for a few days and is getting better. Kelli got something, too.. but it's mostly just congestion, and she's acting fine... not sleeping well but otherwise she's okay.

I took the girls to our favorite sno-cone spot on Barton Springs. We get a little stir-crazy in the house when we're there too long, but at the same time it's kind of hard to get out and run errands with both girls (especially because Kelli is so high maintanence) ... but if I take them out for stuff they both like to do, we have a lot of fun.

Kelli...aka The Boss
She looks SO much like her Mona.

Sydney, my mini-me.
We both get the lemon sno-cone. It's really good!!!!
aw you guys are so cute.