Kelli's favorite game is playing on our bed. When I begin counting she runs in there and I throw her on the bed. She loves wrestling and rolling around and our newest thing is making the top cover a fort. She squeals and laughs... I have to get video. It's really cute.

Sydney grew 2 inches in the last week I think. I keep looking at her and thinking SOMETHING is different... but between all her clothes being so tight, her toes sticking out of her sandals and well... her being a lot TALLER, I just think she hit a sudden growth spurt. She suddenly looked a lot "growner-upper" to me. I think all her "baby face"ness has completely gone.

See? Look how tall she is all of a sudden! This is Sydney being a veternarian and performing surgery on a Panda at the children's museum.

Scrubs look good on her! She should go with it...
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