Sydney has been loving her trampoline from Santa!

Kelli will get on there but she never leaves the blue side part.

Our neighbor Josh has been relentless in getting Kelli to warm up to him. She is pretty shy around strangers, but especially male strangers. Not sure where she picked that up, since Sydney was never shy (even as an infant!). But she is beginning to warm up. Allowing him to hold her - even though it was only for a few seconds - was a HUGE step.

The adventurer. She thought if she just began walking to the park on her own, eventually I'd cave and follow behind her. Nope. Doesn't work that way.

Sydney and her "bff" Julia from across the street. I love listening to these two play together. When you get their little heads together, it's pretty cute. They're a good pair. They both neutralize each other's personalities pretty well. I love watching that all go down. It's very funny!

Kelli has the "little sister, little follower" role down. She really loves when Sydney's friends come over because she feels like she's a part of the "big girl group" and gets all excited and feels special. You hear her squeal and giggle a whole lot more!

Just not when they all get on the trampoline. Kelli loves taking risks, but she doesn't really like the trampoline too much yet. But she'll watch!
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