On the way to school Sydney & I stopped at Kerbey Lane (our usual spot for breakfast). As the hostess sat us at the booth Sydney quickly snapped "Wait! Um excuse me? Can you please bring me a highchair for my baby?"
The hostess looked at me and laughed, then said 'do you really want me to bring a highchair?" and I said "if it's not a big deal, it'd make this little mommy happy"... and so she did.

While she had her baby buckled up, Sydney proceeded to paint her nails. Unbeknownst to me, she had already done one hand in the car. So I had to help her fix that hand and do the other.

Then she dropped the bomb that her teacher took out her earings the day before. HUH?? Why didn't I hear about this? She said one side was hurting. So I took a look and sure enough it was RED and swollen. So we went into the bathroom and (luckily) Sydney had a pair of her cross earings in her purse, so I had some to clean with soap and water and put in before the holes closed. However that one side was nasty. When I pushed on it, a ton of green and yellow puss came out!!!! Lord, this poor kid! We got it all cleaned up and handled but she was hurting so she had to ice it for the remainder of her meal. (it was suddenly all better when her chocolate milk and breakfast taco arrived).

While Sydney was at dance practice little Kelli Belly & I went to Walmart (haven't been there in FOREVER! maybe a year? seriously!) to look at decorations for my sister's bridal shower. We went over to look at the fishies. I used to do this with Sydney around the same age all the time. :::siiiigh:::

She kept puckering and making kiss sounds for fish. She LOVES aquariums and fish, I can't imagine what this kid would do at an actual big aquarium like in Dallas or Baltimore! She'd go nuts.

Shortly after she crapped on me. Good times.
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