This is called a yodel. The only gluten free dessert available in the cafe, happened to be the most calorie-filled contraption of a ding-dong thing. Nothing but marshmallow product and flourless cake. I couldn't finish it but still took me about 20 miles to work off.

Leaving our hotel, I took a snapshot to remember it. And off we went on our wine tasting adventure!

First... lunch. This isn't where we ate but I noted to Jeannine that it seemed like a place that would smell real bad and be very dirty, but probably have really good food.

Also noted, this is Aaron's car we're driving. Not Jeannine's. This is after he cleaned it.

We got to a neat chop house place and they even serve water in wine bottles.
They don't joke around up there.

Still raining after lunch.

First stop.

Second stop.
The Domaine.
Walking up all those steps... didn't matter. Not even 1/4 of the yodel was diminished from fat cell memory.

Apparently Domaine was more popular than Artesa.



Road trippin'!

Love Jeannine's face. "mmm... where to next... wonder if there's a Costco around here...."


Back in town, crossing the bridge. This reminded me of England.

Dinner at Sabor.
We got this sake.
Not because Jeannine likes sake. In fact she hates sake.
But the bottle was cute.
And she wanted it to put her flowers from the garden in.
(duh. that's why you get sake)

Dinner was SO good!!
Full gluten free menu too!


broccoli and cauliflower had a baby.
and lived happily ever after.
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