This just marks the END of our Tuesday. Starts off getting the girls ready for school. One goes at 9:30, the other at 11:30. Then doing my training run and meeting my instructor downtown, then picking the girls up at 4:00pm, then hurrying home to get Sydney ready for dance, getting her to dance, then home to feed Kelli, then pick Sydney up at 6:00 and hurrying home to get her ready for soccer practice... get her a snack and head to the park for practice at 6:30.
Usually by this time Sydney is whining. And I don't blame her.
But Tuesdays were the only time the rest of the team could meet.

My poor, tired kid. She was pretty done with it by the end of practice.
Coach Daddy and Coach Aaron were super good with the kiddos though. They had fun. Little Lily came to watch her daddy coach. So did little Kelli when she was done eating.

Did someone say Lily?
Is that food in your hand?
I smell food.
nom nom.

This one is pouting because I wouldn't let her run around on the field with the "big" kids. She was furiously trying to go out on the field and do what they were doing. Don't let her size fool you. She is incredibly and mysteriously strong.

And she is off again. Ugh.

Lily pants!!!
Soon after this she proved to have VERY good eye sight and spotted her Daddy... and followed in Kelli's foot steps wanting to get knocked over by the kids. But for other reasons. She wanted her DADDDDDYYYY!!!! That was cute.
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