As we already knew, Sydney is excelling in all areas drama/music/art/writing/talking/bossing/crying. Oh wait, the last two aren't exactly subjects, but we already knew she was 'excelling' in those areas. We're quite proud of all her talents; and her teachers seem to be as well.
But one of her greatest strengths also happens to be her greatest weakness as well. Being too sensitive. Once an emotion is pushed or ignited (on her own or by some other situation) it is pretty hard to diffuse her heightened emotional senses. I can imagine the inside of her head is like a "hazard bell" going off with red lights blinking and the countdown 10...9...8...7.... before she explodes. And usually during the countdown is when I am trying to diffuse her, but I tend to panic, too and don't do a good job. Talking softly to her works well but also when I have Kelli on my hip or am juggling a few things at once, that can get tricky. I really like how her teacher Mrs. Crouch illustrated how they sort of whisper in her ear when this happens. Sydney is a big "tattle tale" and gets excited if she sees something going on that she thinks needs attention. (she does this at home too). So we got some great feedback from the teacher and it just confirms all over again how lucky we are to have Sydney at this school. And how lucky we were to have Mrs. Crouch before she left to become a writer! I think she was the perfect diffuser for little Syd.
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