Following practice on Tuesday, I had filled and set out 80 eggs for the kids to chase after and uncover. A little overboard, I know. But they had fun.

Each kid was supposed to get 10 eggs each, but somehow a bunch only got 3, 4 or 7 etc.

Wondering why they all came up short, they quickly formed a Union and called a strike against anyone opening eggs until we all got a full count in each bag!

We learned Julia was a little too quick on her feet. She had almost 23 eggs in her bag!!! haha! We got it covered and figured out, she was more than happy to hand out her 'extras' to the team. I think she really just had more fun picking up the eggs and finding them anyway.

Andy told the team to huddle in for a secret and then suddenly all the kids screamed "THANK YOU MISS SARAAAAAA!!!!!" that was cute.

Kelli figured all her work was done after she'd helped me earlier. Each time I laid an egg down, she picked it up and spilled the candy out "I see num-nums!". Uh huh. No more Kelli, we have to HIDE the eggs. And repeat that about 20x before another soccer mom intervened and helped me out!
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