What a great weekend! To start off, I took my first run after 2 weeks on the bench with a knee injury. And I took it through Boston (in cooler weather to boot!). I got through 6 miles before I became nervous I wouldn't find my way back to the hotel. But I got a little neat surprise running into Paul Revere's house on the north side!

Love of my life.
Had about 34 of these in 2 days.

The old state house.
The sight of the Boston Massacre and also where the Declaration of Independence was read to the citizens from that balcony.
I love history!

A view only to be envious of. Look at that!
One of our financial advisors has a quaint little office in downtown Boston.

This embellished marker belongs to John Hancock.
Quite the... uhh... metaphore, eh?

So I read that funerals and head stones were really expensive back in the day so there are up to 20 bodies (in the family) at each head stone. Paul Revere and Sam Adams is also buried here.

As though his office didn't have the best view, our advisor Jonathan introduced us to THIS view.
From his penthouse. I said that I could live there with no furniture or bedrooms bc I'd just do everything facing the window!

We got to sit behind home plate at a Red Sox game!
Not the biggest baseball enthusiast, but that was FUN!
And my dear Andy and I don't look like tourists.
At all.

We left early (for din) but not before Ortiz hit a homerun!
The rest of that night is kind of fuzzy...

Can't leave Boston without eating seafood!
But no.
I refuse to eat clams. Or oysters. Whatever those things are... they look like rubbery tumors.
Not appetizing.

Whale watching!
I was freeeeeeezing!

I took video but we did see a whale! He kept surfacing and diving, it was truly amazing!

After my last cup of dunkin donuts coffee and a long flight home at stupid:o'clock in the morning, we arrived in Austin and headed straight to the ACL Festival!!!!! Couldn't miss it!

We started it off with a little Airborne Toxic Event:

My favorite artist Joseph Arthur, whom I was most excited to see, completely disappointed.
He played all his depressing songs. Andy said Joseph made him want to jump off a bridge.
I was hoping he'd sing this one:

AWOLNATION came through! Amazing live performance. The guy even threw a boogie board into the audience and then jumped on it and "crowd surfed"...
It was whirlwind but an amazing, fun, exciting weekend!!!