"Look Mom! I'm peeing!"

This binky is an issue. Andy and I spend *literally* 15 minutes tearing the house apart looking for just ONE binky so we'd survive the drive home. We have no idea where she stashed them. She's on to us.

Ducks? Or floatation devices? Meh, either way... here are some cheerios!
Brandy is a good sport but in life saving emergency, I would totally hang on to her!

Daddy with daughter-squared

"I jumpy!!" ~ Kelli

At first the notion of this was "wow! great idea! now we can communicate if one is on the dock and one is up at the house!". Good plan right?
Sydney knows how to work these things now and every 9 seconds or so you hear a muffled static turn on with "Mom. You there? Over"...."Dad the ducks are on the pier. Over and out"...."guys? anyone there? over"
"kkrrrsshht hello krrrsht?"

water baby!

She is slowly but surely learning to swim. And proud of it. But she still will NOT jump in the lake.... and I have a suspicion she never will. #likemotherlike...daughter

Yeah, this 'boat' was not big enough for Kelli. Jet ski fail.
Little Cody was ALL about the jet ski!!!!

While we cleaned up the house the girls watched Land Before Time on netflix. I forgot how scary those cartoon movies were back in the day. T-rex was scary even for me... Kelli, luckily, found a place to hide yet still be able to watch the battle go down.
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