My friend Jen Roberts came over to deliver dinner! Lentil soup (homemade!!!), brown rice and squash, which she explained was "rataitoulle style". I totally spelled that wrong. But fyi: it was GOOD. She is the one who also did Henna on my belly (and Sydney's foot lol). She is a wonderful friend to have, and is moving up the road in Kyle shortly! I'm so excited. Her daughter Marli was a bit hesitant about another baby being in mommy's arms...

She was cautiously checking Kelli out, and once I took Kelli back... Marli hopped on her mommy and tried to nurse the boob... as if to say "MY TERRITORY" it was funny!

Later our neighbors, the Dienna's, came over for a game night and to let the kids play. Chris was not impressed with the fact that our icemaker was not working, so they got to work in fixing it. It was awesome... people bring over food, games, fix our ice makers....I almost handed him a mop.

Kelli took a paci! I'm not a huge fan of the paci, and apparently she isnt either, but it looks soooooooooooo cute on her!
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