Smitha and Jennifer came over to visit the baby and let all the kids play. We took all the kids over to the pool for a couple of hours then let them play around upstairs when we got home. Was so good to just hang out with Smitha and Jennifer, since I dont see them too often. Smitha's belly has POPPED and she's so cute, and man, Jennifer's legs are buff-supreme! I guess training for and completing a triathlon will do that to you~! Sydney was SOOOO excited and happy to see her friends Nikita and Alex.

They didn't leave until Sydney opened her "big sister" present which was a "mermaid playground". It was a cute bath toy thing... water slide, swings, shower etc... for the mermaid! Sydney loves it!

After Syd went to bed, Andy and I took some quality "wife & hubs" time on the back porch. It's probably my favorite thing to do. He turned on Dave Matthews on the outdoor speakers and we shared a glass of wine while Kelli snuggled in Daddy's arms. I love the breezes we get in our backyard, and the view while the sun sets. So perfect.

Dagney enjoys it too. As long as you're out there WITH her.

Sun is setting and baby looks ready for bed.

we get coyotes and deer from this 'forest' here. they come up to our fence line at night... which causes our next door neighbor's dogs to bark their heads off at 2am.

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