This is officially Kelli's "lake house bouncey"

and Sydney loves loves loves her "lake house bed"... she gets the top!

for now, Kelli gets the bottom

When we got Kelli to sleep, we went to the pier to watch the lights on the water and listen to night time sounds. Unfortunately, the only sounds we could hear was Sydney's CONSTANT chatter. OOOOOOOooooh my peas. Seriously. So we had to send her to bed, then cracked open some champagne and sat together on the pier and talked. It was really nice.

The next day Sydney's "regulars" arrived for breakfast. She has named them Teddy & Rose.

The swans soon came after, but they remain nameless (for now).

They enjoyed their whole grain cheerios for sure. Theyre the best fed ducks on the lake.

My mom & dad came up to see the place and help decorate. Took my mom out to the famous "Bluebonnet Cafe" up the road in Marble Falls. Famous for their pie, although we didnt eat the pie. Here I am just goofing.

The food was very good though! I will find myself a regular there!

Kelli always looks surprised.

Sydney was very scared to ride the jet ski (because its not like any boat she's been on before!) but once she finally got going with Daddy, you could hear her from the distance shouting "wahoo!!!!" so it was really cute. I got a lesson from Andy and his first lesson on "how to NOT make a turn" he made us tip over. Fortunately, he's the only one who went flying into the water, but it made me a nervous wreck the rest of the time and I could hardly get over 22mph on the thing!! However, 22mph FEELS like 60mph on open water, and the views are amazing. It was alot of fun!

This is Kelli's idea of vacation. She LOVES being naked. (just like her sister) Soon as you put the diaper back on, she begins crying.

Andy's partner Jim was with us. He & Andy rode the jet skis out for hours & then Jim watched the kiddos while Andy and I rode. They did so much driving while he was here, including two 1hr trips back and forth to the lake house, and 2 4hr trips to dallas, then a flight back to maryland. Unbelievable. No thanks!
so cute. It looks so relaxing there. im so happy for you!