Our poor Sydney. Last night after I put her down for bed, I went to bed with Kelli and within about 30 minutes I heard sniffling outside the door and asked her to come in. She was crying and said she got "goop" all over her. I suppose she hadnt thrown up since she was very little, that she didn't know what happened. And I thought she just spilled her drink on herself, until further inspection! Andy was at the football game so I was on my own. By the time I had to clean her THIRD set of bed sheets, I called my mom to help me out bc Kelli was in NO mood to be ignored either! My poor Sydney, I made her a fort on the floor in her room...

Andy came home and kept watch over her, and eventually she threw up all over this bed too, so he had to change out these sheets/blankets too. Then this morning she woke me up as it began coming out the other end. Definitely food poisoning, my guess.

the culprit? I TOLD HER not to eat the cookie dough!!!!!

I tell her every time! NO. Nothing with raw eggs in it. Did she listen? Nooooooo. phhht. Now I feel bad ... poor baby.
maybe Food poisoning, i dunno. But i guess she won't be eating raw eggs anymore. Poor thing. I hope the puke came out of Dora.