Kelli sat here and watched me drink my coffee on Monday. I can truthfully testify that coffee isn't as enjoyable with a baby staring at you 5 inches away the entire time.

This WOULD have been an awesome picture if Kelli wasn't blurry. She was doing her army crawl on Mom's floor two days ago and Sydney joined in to cheer her on. Then suddenly the music for Backyardigans came on and grabbed both of their attention instantly.

Sydney has her PaPa's smile in this picture!! haha In every professional photo, when they tell him to "smile", it looks like he snarls. It's like that episode of "Friends" when Chandler & Monica try so hard to get professional pictures done and Chandler just. cannot. do. it. That's my Dad. That's what Sydney reminds me of here.

I get the feeling this binky will be in all of our pictures until Kelli is 5 years old!

Princess Pancakes! (thanks for the little reminder Jeannine!) Sydney loves these. Nothing different. You make normal pancakes from scratch (or bisquick, whatever you use), then add neon pink food coloring. Wa-la! Princess pancakes!

I cut them up and put them into a bowl for her. Can you believe she ate ALL of those! I made some for ME, but she wanted all of them. Well, she's the Princess, and I'm just a peasant, so off course....whatever. That bowl is bigger than her little belly but she managed to get it all in there.

Start 'em young! This is Kelli watching her favorite youtube videos! Currently she gets totally amped over the Classical Baby "Shapes" video. When it is over, she spits her binky out and starts crying immediately. I will press play again, and no sooner does she take a deep breath and stop crying. Princess #2.

I had to document this. Do you think she's hitting a growth spurt? She ate every last crumb of this for breakfast at 7:30 am. And yes, I had to get in the kitchen and cook eggs, sausage, toast etc for her at 7am. She also ate the entire piece of bread and a whole can of peaches (which even fills ME up). Look at all that food and then look at her belly. HOW does all of that fit?
great pictures. and stories. love those princesses.
ReplyDeleteI had to comment. First of all, Addie is hitting a growth spurt too and shocking me with the amount of food she's consuming. Usually she eats very small amounts and wants to snack a lot but lately every meal is like, WOW! Also, I have a tip for princess pancakes. Addie also requests everything to be pink! So we keep frozen cubes of beet puree around to defrost and use in pancake batter or smoothings. You don't need much more than a tbs to make it pink. We also add cinnamon and ricotta cheese to the pink pancakes to make them a bit healthier and mask the beet taste (what little there is). Kelli is getting so big and I love her surprised look. I love that she's a princess already. Bella does similar things like protest if I've handed her the wrong teething toy, or she doesn't have a good enough view of her sister. Amazing how particular they are at 5 months already. Well, I have a pretty particular baby. Ayway, your girls are so cute and I hope Sydney feels better soon!