Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just another morning of chaos!

These two are playing together more often, and Kelli copies everything Sydney does now (awesome)... It's a lot of yelling, screaming, laughing, whining, moaning, and squealing.

I tried about 9 times to get them looking at the camera together.
This is the best I could get.

What is UP with this face? Fine I'll feed you.


Still in her pajamas.
(but mainly because we haven't been able to leave the house. Kelli slept until 10am... yep! from 7:30 pm until 10:00am! woke up once around 6am but fell back asleep. then took another nap at 11 am!)... so Sydney refused to put on "day clothes" since we werent going outside yet.

I cooked and prepared everything in the house to try and please her and came up with the mixture of eggs and beans. She finally settled.

This is their new game. Kelli giggles SO hard while Sydney pulls her around the house.

One not to be restrained. We have to keep an eye on this kid.

Where's Daddy?


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dance Recital 2010

My little flower danced to "Nature's Son"... she was really cute! I didn't get a picture of her in her money costume though. I was the stage mom, so I was wrangling 9 other little ones.

Being graceful.

The flowers she picked out for herself to be from us.

Excuse the damp hair! We barely made it in time this morning. I did a 6 mile run and hurried up with a shower and we booked it out the door. The recital almost didn't happen because the entire campus lost power.

We were SO proud of her this weekend! Rock star soccer player and a beautiful dancer!

Our little nugget who never naps, plopped herself on the couch and fell asleep.

She was a goner.

Dress Rehearsal & Strikers Last game!

Sydney's recital is always at my school, and we got to dress rehearsal a little early, so we walked around as she wanted to see my classes. My law class was open. She thought it was "sooooo neat and big".
(one of the smaller classes, she tried out almost every seat)

We can't use flashes, so the photos came out as duds. Hopefully you can still see how abnormally CUTE she is though...

Here's lookin' at you kid...

Friday I almost forgot to feed my children lunch so we had a detour into chick fil a! (treatie!!) Syd totally digs the lemonade and fries (healthy right?) and Kelli was all over the chicken nuggets and fruit. Normally I will indulge in the fries, but I didn't feel good (weird!!??) so I just slirpped a soda.

Not bad, Mom. Not bad at all.

Kelli! Show the camera SOOO BIG!

The Strikers had their final game and Syd played like a CHAMP!

Kelli unpacked snacks like a champ.

Oh my GOSH this is Paul. Sweetest kid. He is ALWAYS smiling, I can't take it.

Sydney took on this big kid with NO FEAR like 6 times, I was so proud of her! She saved a ton of goals this game, it was awesome!

BAM... nothing gets by her!

Oh Dear Lord.
My baby!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Git'cher Lemonaaaaaade!

Sydney asks me about 20x a week to get out her "stand" and "sell". Today felt like a good day for that, so we wrangled up a few goodies and made our lemonade and hit the driveway.

Julia came over to help drive business.

It was hot, which meant a lot of people were walking passed to go to the pool... which meant! ... they got a lot of business. Words cannot describe all the cuteness. They were trying to be so professional and grown up. Killed me.

Monday, May 17, 2010

It's a Party at Circle C

The girls have some friends who have birthdays today, so we met up at Circle C Park today to celebrate! Kelli was all sorts of excited! (to eat rocks)

Sydney dressed herself. Look at poor Scooby waiting to get slaughtered.

The get-along gang of SW Austin.

Hey has anyone seen the cutest baby in Aus- oh! there she is!

Soooo big!!!

Scooby met the firing squad.

Surprisingly, Sydney was carefully selecting just a few pieces of candy. Luke, on the other hand, needed a second bag.

Kelli's first time on a playscape!

Sydney really wanted to take her down the slide, but I'm not ready for that yet.


Haha! I told Syd: We can go home and do your workbooks or you can play your leapfrog, but there will be quiet time. She had to think about it.