Courtesy of Wendy
I'm never taking this shirt off.

So the cover was blown Friday night but I had NOOOOOO clue LC Rocks was going to be playing!! Score 1 for everyone keeping that a secret! I saw the lead singer come off the elevator and just thought he was there for dinner and then I caught on when a band began setting up. WHOA!!! AWESOME!

That's right. Take me down to Paradise City!

My cousin Pach came!

And my fun neighbors/friends Kristina & Aaron!!!!

Vicki and her daughters Jose & Kaylee (I felt bad, they left before my Mom got there with the cake, so I'm saving some for the girls!)

Ben & Carey made the trek from San Antonio! That was really special. (glittery hearts, sparkles and butterflies in that shout-out fo sho!)

This is not how my sister and brother in law pose for all pictures.
Just some.

My "baby" cousins. Divina and Micah.

This was so cute, two old couples were gettin' DOWN to Poison!

Carey started getting frisky!

I was making sure someone got a picture of Andy and I. Always happens we don't get a picture together, so that's a new thing... I stop and make sure someone snaps a pic!

The sunset!

Wendy whipped out the glow sticks. This was just before I got on stage with the band and danced/sang to Led Zepplin. (no pictures on my camera, sorry but I believe my responsible husband took video.)

Me & Snoop Dogg... I mean Doc Mijares.

Don't think I had taken a shot in years (the truth) so this was a dare. My friend Carey is a bad influence on me and my sisters.

It was good.

Kristina is like "no really... he's a patient of mine. I'm just chaperoning him on his night out from the hospital".
I actually don't know if this picture was taken before or after Aaron hit on my mom.

Some more of my amazing friends/neighbors. We really do kick it on the best street in the neighborhood. These peeps are wicked cool!

We've been very blessed to have the Sosa's in our life!

I love Mom!!!
(I need pictures from my sisters and Andy's phone because I thought I had some of me with them. Wish I had more of me with the Berkowitzes and Vicki etc)
It was a blast!!!!
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