The girls have some friends who have birthdays today, so we met up at Circle C Park today to celebrate! Kelli was all sorts of excited! (to eat rocks)

Sydney dressed herself. Look at poor Scooby waiting to get slaughtered.

The get-along gang of SW Austin.

Hey has anyone seen the cutest baby in Aus- oh! there she is!

Soooo big!!!

Scooby met the firing squad.

Surprisingly, Sydney was carefully selecting just a few pieces of candy. Luke, on the other hand, needed a second bag.

Kelli's first time on a playscape!

Sydney really wanted to take her down the slide, but I'm not ready for that yet.


Haha! I told Syd: We can go home and do your workbooks or you can play your leapfrog, but there will be quiet time. She had to think about it.
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