All dressed up for our dinner at Wink
Sydney wanted to be in the photo.

Andy has to go to Chicago for two weeks and won't be here on my birthday (waaa!!!) so we went out to eat this weekend (early). I had just run a 5k race this morning and done errands/cleaning/laundry, so I'm surprised I was totally up for a night out! Ha, gave me an excuse to wear the shirt I never wore in Vegas! My mom said I looked like a blonde Cher. (I try)

Well! 4 hours later... I decided to be a little spontaneous. (no, I had no idea I was getting a tattoo this night. But I've been thinking about it for years). I had this image in my mind, and have looked it up hundreds of times to see if I could find it, but have never been able to find the image or tattoo online. So it was very hard to describe to Gunzo, our non-english speaking artist visiting from Hong Kong. But after some back & forth and doodling with each other... he got it JUST right! (I expected it to hurt a lot more than it it. And it did hurt. But definitely the best birthday by far).

What the heck. Andy got a car on his 30th birthday. I decided... I'll get a tattoo. (lasts longer, though at some point mine will probably "break down" too).
This is for the family that keeps me grounded.
And no, I've never read a "New Moon" or "First Blood" or "Vampire Novel" book.
These are stakes that go into the GROUND... you know... to "keep you grounded".
Not kill vampires.
But if you think that's cool, I'll go along.
i really like your shirt! and you look quite skinny! Your tat reminds me of something...