All snug in their beds...

Not a creature is stirring...

(notice how you can see the floor this year? you couldn't last year. we completely held back in a huge way but they still got spoiled)

Sydney apparently heard "the sleigh bells on the roof and didn't want Santa to see her" so she hid under the covers. Andy nor I jingled the bells, so we know it was ALL in her imagination. HOW CUTE! I remember when I was 5 my mom let me sleep on the couch & I SWORE I woke up and saw Santa packing our tree in the middle of the night. I can STILL remember this vividly. I'm not lying! It is SUCH a vivid memory I can remember the red suit, him bending over and putting presents under the tree and everything.... but neither of my parents had a suit or dressed up as him. This was all in my imagination, and total proof of what the excitement of this holiday can do to a child's mind!

Completely enamored by one of her stocking stuffers.

Okay. here we go. A smile. Thank you!

We have to get Kelli in this picture too! Sydney is back to her silly putty splat thing again.

Kelli had no idea what this was or what she was supposed to do once I put her on it. She did hang on to the handle bars and I bounced her. But I think she giggled and smiled more because Andy & I got excited. She was more excited about opening her stocking which had new binkies in it.

Nerd fight. (no. she's never seen the movie. but she did want these once she saw them in the catalog. I am unsure which of these two are more excited about this gift. )

A piano for Kelli. She loves the piano! She has a few piano-like toys now.

FUNNY STORY!!! (1) note: this is a gift from Andy's mom (2) If Susan is reading this, please do not take offense, but just laugh! (3) okay. first of all this is basically a beach blanket. XXXL ...not the brand. the SIZE!! HAHA!!! and (4) #7... that was Michael Vick's old jersey number back in the day. You know. Michael Vick... the quarterback from VT that went on to murder dogs in pitbull fighting, got caught and went to jail? That Michael Vick. (5) So whoever the guy is at the sports store our dear mother went to and asked "do you have any VT stuff?" that sold her THIS jersey needs to morality check. He told her infact he had ONE last VT item in the back he "wanted to get rid of", and KNOWING she probably had no clue about the size or who #7 was, SOLD IT TO HER... and there isnt a SOUL on earth who would have paid $35 for that!!!!! Hilarious. But not.

This was a mom & dad gift. I had to get her one awesome thing so that Santa wasn't the ONLY cool person on Christmas day. We needed some credit.

I cannot wait to look at boogers under the microscope with her! weeeee!!! (such a bad influence)

Towards the end...."I got achoo baby!!!! Santa brought me it!" (whew!)

After all the gifts were opened she realized he hadnt brought her "handy mandy" tool shop. She was a little upset but then we pointed out (in tru Christmas Story fashion) that we see ONE MORE package in the corner in daddy's office. YAY!!!

This has been very MERRY so far!

First order of business.... following Daddy around the house and asking him to put together her princess castle.

Then her Handy Mandy tool shop....

And to play with her....(and fix her achoo baby doll)

Then we were hussling over to Mom & Dad's to open presents/have breakfast by 10:45 at least because Erik & Carrie had to get to her family's by 1pm. (and I was cooking breakfast)....

Sydney nominated herself as Santa & handed out stockings & gifts.

Everyone got a loud "HO! HO! HO!" each time they opened something. She played her role well.

Sydney & Kelli actually had matching dresses but I didn't get ONE picture dangit!!!!!! Kelli loved the comotion.

Sometimes I really love being around family alot because that means I get free hands!

Jenny's famous spice drink she makes (cranberry & peppermint I think) and my quiches.

This didn't look right. She is SO little. And short. But she really did begin taking steps (assisted) properly; bending her knees and walking with feet firmly planted on the ground. SHE did the walking as we held her steady, it was amazing because she was truly projecting herself. This doesn't seem 'right' for her because she's only 6mo and SO LITTLE and short. It looked funny. And I have done NOTHING to promote this whatsoever. I am selfish and would rather she remain immobile as long as possible.

Chris is SOOOO patient with Sydney. What uncle sits & plays DOLLS with a 4yo? Or tea party? or browses princess websites?

After the morning festivities at Mom & Dad's, we went back to our house and Sydney was excited to show off her Santa goodies for Wendy, Chris & Doug. They painted some more cookies.

Whipped out the microscope (but Wendy - the germaphobe- was not having the booger inspection so she had Sydney get WATER)

Kelli was feelin' the Christmas spirit after her nap!

Then I left my camera at home when we went back to Mom & Dad's for dinner and am missing SO many great pictures from our dinner, and game time. booo. But Merry Christmas everyone! We had a blessed year!