Andy has only been gone 4 days, and we're used to him being gone for one week stretches, but now that I know it's turning into TWO week stretches at a time each month for God only knows how long, it makes it weird around the house. We're so used to him working from home and just having his presence. I'm trying to keep it normal. Kelli & I did alot of floor time while Sydney was in school (after all the errands).

After school I had promised Sydney we'd make her gluten/dairy free sugar cookies. Being dairy and gluten free, you should try and imagine how much SUGAR is in those cookies. Oh my word! By the way, doesn't she look... I don't know... like, 7 years old in this picture? Sheesh.

Yeah. They were supposed to be Christmas cookies. Pink & purple Christmas cookies. I asked her how pink & purple fit into Christmas colors and she said "well. like Princesses. Princesses like Christmas ... you know?" Oh.

It appears she slopped a ton of random sprinkles on each cookie and moved on to the next quickly. But contrary to that notion... each cookie took like 5 minutes. God help me, I was so patient. Each dot and sprinkle was carefully pushed in with her finger. One.... by... one.

What else was I supposed to do? I wasn't allowed to help. Couldn't just stand there and watch. Took some artsy pictures.

We had a few incidences... dropped the large dots container on the floor and had to take a break and sweep everything up. Instead of sweeping, Sydney wanted to pick each dot up one... by... one... and eat it. She was trying to kill me last night.

I think Kelli's ears are feeling better... she is in such a more chipper mood all around AND is sleeping through the night again! Only up once (midnight) for a feeding and back up again around 6-6:45.
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