Kelli woke up from her nap at MeMaw's and I had just brought Sydney home from school and all she wanted was to hold her little sister and snuggle. But she didn't know Kelli would be in such a good mood and want to nuzzle her and get closer and closer and on top of her... so she finally said "Mom! Come and get your daughter!" haha

Then she convinced Erik (who arrived around 4pm!) to go and play "barber shop" with her baby doll. He was having a blast.

Then! I checked my email and low and behold... SANTA himself had send Sydney an email video message. She about flipped out and even CRIED she was so excited!! Santa talked directly to her, said her name and told her he was sending his message all the way to Texas where she lived, then he opened his book to see if she was on the naughty or nice list and there was a picture of her and she said "that's me!!! im in his nice list book!" and he said "Sydney, it looks like you have been a good girl this year. I see that you have been very nice to your little sister. I am so proud of you" and he turned the page and it said showed that she wanted Achoo Baby Doll, so Santa said "I see that you want a certain doll for Christmas, is that right?" and she shouted "yes! i want the achoo baby doll!" and he replied "I think that can be arranged" (perfect timing!). she was BEAMING.

Last night was girls night out at Trudy's. YUM! But it was on a sad note, since my friend Penny is moving to Atlanta. We all had to sit outside because for some reason Trudy's was PACKED? On a Tuesday? huh? Anyway, we were freeeeeeeeeezing because it was 35* out and our table didn't get a heater. The photo above illustrates how crazy Vicki is. She NEVER wears a coat. She hardly wears pants in winter. All to prove she is native to North Dakota and used to live with penguins or something.

My last photo with Penny. *tear*.... well at least for 2009. Hopefully when Andy has another conference in Atlanta, I can tag along and visit her.
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