Sydney's gingerbread house, which she did all by herself. I helped apply the icing, since it was sort of hard, but otherwise she did al of the decorations herself! (mostly trying to copy the box)

This morning Kelli woke up chipper as usual and had to play with her cards, her favorite game. I don't know why! But she loves unloading this box of cards!

Her sister also taught her how to play her doggie piano, it's really cute!

She will even pick up the bone and use it to play the keys.

This was Saturday night at Schlitterbahn's hill country winter wonderland. Sydney wanted desperately to see the snow, and soon as she spotted it, took off!

Andy hasn't figured out how to use this new camera yet. Obviously.

These pictures are backwards, but Syd went down this huge slide all by herself!!!

I thought for sure she'd back out once she got to the top, but she did it.

Here we are earlier that Saturday having lunch at our friend T & Kirk's house in Ruby Ranch. We were supposed to deliver presents for Brown Santa but too many people showed up to deliver (worse problems I guess) so instead we had soup and hung out. Kelli was upset that there were so many people there but for SOME reason she was on the floor? Hello?

Sydney & Kyler making a gingerbread house (Kyler is also in her class at Primrose)

Kelli got some Kristina time!! She was happy!

Okay I'm dumb... these are from Schlitterbahn again. ewps. Let's have a flashback shall we...
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