Sydney was SO happy to be reunited with her sister! And Kelli felt the same; its as though they didn't miss a beat. Kelli's eyes lit up the second she saw Sydney (even though Sydney was passed out asleep in the car seat next to her... she still looked over, saw her, and got a HUGE smile on her face. LOVE LOVE LOVE)

Went to HEB this afternoon to fill the house up with goodies (as Sydney put it. re: get milk and things to EAT). I chose to document everything because... I ... am... so... LONELY!! At least I feel if I take pictures of everything we do... and then others see it? Then maybe, in a way, I had someone there. Sort of? no? oh well. Here's Sydney being just the 4yo I dearly missed all weekend.

I had to go back a couple isles to get Andy's favorite salsa and she asked me "Why? Is Daddy coming home now!!?" and I sadly had to explain no, 3 more sleeps. She said she wanted to go to Maryland and visit him too and it's NO fair that I got to and she didn't. We got into the freezer section after picking up the salsa and she began writing Daddy a letter inside the door.

There is the "D", but the letter stated "Dear Dad, Mommy is not being nice to me so I want to come to Maryland and bring Carlos too. And we can see Mona. Your Pal, Sydney". And "mean mommy" did stand there with Kelli in the bjorn the entire time letting her 'write' this entire message on the freezer door (and taking pictures) while people passed by thinking what a very strange situation and conversation going on over there.

Behold the power of BUDDY BUCKS!!!! Sydney slipped it in the machine (this fake dollar that the employees give her each time we shop there) and she was able to maneuver that claw-thing into grabbing TWO prizes!!! HOLY COW I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT AND YOU COULD SMELL THE JEALOUSY from the little boy next to her who didn't get anything (sucka).... over the sticker with a #3 on it and sticker with a #5 on it. There is literally NO difference between the excitement of that #5 sticker and say, the giant moonbounce she got in the backyard for her birthday. Both recieved the same attention.

Not to be distracted for too long. Sydney needs to "help"

Well... there goes Daddy's tostitos with a hint of jalapeno. Just think, small bites.

Later Seth came over for some pudding and they watched "Elf" together. Sydney loves this movie!

Kelli is on the move. She thinks she's hot stuff now that she actually GETS SOMEWHERE ... moving FORWARD even!!! Time for the baby gate. She's actually fast. (she better be, she's short!)

Her favorite thing ever in life to do?

Take this box of flash cards and remove them all, spread them around her room and roll around on top of them and eat them. EVERY time I let her down in her room, she crawls to this box and begins to unload/eat it.


Q T Booty!
i was there in spirit.
ReplyDeletei could totally have been the other mom in the grocery store with her camera out taking pictures of her kids...cause...well..i may have done that just once or twice before.