Sydney's room... putting in a chair rail, then painting dark purple on the bottom, and a lighter purple on the top.

Going to re-arrange the room more efficiently, but dont know HOW yet.

A night light my friend Jen Reyes made for baby Kelli.

Kelli's crib

Security blanket ala J9

I'm going to put my glider (when it arrives) by this window in the nursery. The view of "star pond", named by Sydney.

This is going in the left of the nursery, there's a private sink area, then a door to the shower/bathroom, which connects to another sink area. We went with the "Paris" theme.

From the doorway. We are doing a chair rail, with "beat" boards (white) on bottom, then on top we are painting the wall a deep mauve/rose color, to match the roses in her bedding. (see above).

This is the closet that Andy built for Kelli! Totally cool, huh?!! She is getting alot of hand-me-downs from Syd. But since they were born at opposite times of the year, I still have some picking apart to do.

Her sink... and Eiffel Tower =D

Her girly, Paris bathroom

The above shower area also connects to this guest/sink area, which I decorated in bamboo/green. I found it creative yet ironic... as we still carry a deep resentment and hatred to the bamboo in our yard in Maryland. Andy also bought me some bamboo for Mother's Day. It's a running joke in this house.

This is the reading area at the top of the stairs. I may replace the chair and give that one to my mom, but we'll see. It's sort of sentimental.
i love Kelli's closet. Fantastic work there, Andy!