After the day I had, I treated myself! I woke up with Sydney early, after she had an hour-long coughing fit, which I deemed allergies again. Got her ready and it was SO beautiful outside I couldn't make any excuses good enough to NOT go for a nice walk on town lake. So off we went and I made it 3 miles. We fed the ducks (and ever other living creature downtown), then ran over to the fountains where she frolicked a good hour and I willingly watched with a smile on my face. I even ran in there with her a few times. Then we went to HEB, to, again, try and buy everything I think (in my head) we will need in this house while I am "recovering" from birth or something. The longer this pregnancy drags out, the more crap I think we need! But lately I've had the bug to cook, so I'm cooking meals ahead of time. I'm sure Andy is not complaining. I had to get my mom some milk as well. Ran into two of my friends there, and after an hour of grocery shopping we drove over to MeMaw's house. MeMaw is sick, so Sydney did her righteous duty of making her feel better while tolerating Murder She Wrote on in the background... she didn't even once ask for her own show. Then we went home, unloaded groceries and got ready for dance, and hopped over to dance class. Meanwhile, Andy took off on a last minute trip to Dallas and won't be back until Thursday morning (oy!). After dance we came home and Sydney helped me make sloppy joes, which she ate for the first time. The ENTIRE sandwhich!
So after all of that... I treated myself with a hot bath full of epsom salt and a light glass of wine. Mmmmmm! I feel a happy ending to my day!
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