She fell asleep on the way up to Wendy's, so she was in a pretty GOOD mood when we got there.


two mommy deer were stalking us and waiting for everyone to go inside so they could snack on the corn Wendy put out earlier.

One of Andy and Dad's man discussions.

Doug wasn't feelin' the man discussion... I actually woke up from MY nap and took this picture because he was snoring like a bear. Thanks Doug.

Syd was still in the pool with the girls, so I went out there to cool my poor, swollen feet.

Wendy needs to be her swim instructor. She got her to do more things in one hour than both swim coaches did in two months.

she even swam ON HER OWN with floaties.

she felt like such a big kid. I could see it all over her face how proud she felt!

But when we left, she decided to be "the baby" and made Wendy carry her to the car.
I'm mad I didnt get many pictures of Mom & Jenny... OR ME! oh well. All the action is wherever Sydney is....Happy Memorial day!
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