Sydney showing off her tan lines. I looks like she got burned, but it only showed up red like that on the camera. She looks dark and tan in person. But when I saw this I freaked out and lathered her in Aloe!!! Man, I re-applied SPF75 on her every hour today. That's what you get in Texas I guess.

We went to see MeMaw for dinner because the painters were still in our house and invading every room. Nothing to do there. Sydney made me bring her bike so she could show MeMaw her "moves". She does some funny maneuvers on that bike now, its cute! When she is done doing her "cool trick" she says "and that's how I roll!"

Cant decide if she looks like me or Andy in this picture. I really like it though. It was an "accident shot" that turned out really good.

She calls this one her "fit fat roll", whatever that means.
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