I, personally, think they taste like miniature cardboard donuts that went stale. But somehow the makers of this famous cereal managed to get every baby in America hooked and every mother convinced this is the best, healthy first time finger food snack. (I'm not arguing... I just don't get it). There are cheerio blogs, cheerio recipe websites, cheerio fan sites, cheerio fan page on facebook, and now - like toothpaste - you can get cheerios in every fricken flavor on earth from banana to strawberry to chocolate... so it's gone beyond the regular cheerios to sugar-packed corn syrup filled miniature stale donut finger foods. I'm catapulting off this subject to say that I think this is how it goes for ALL healthy foods! Something healthy becomes popular, and manufacturers or creators get greedy and take that popularity to extremes to "make it better" and feed America what it wants: taste. So go back to the "stale, cardboard donut". I didn't USED to think that when I was 4 years old scarfing down an entire bowl of it (without sugar!). I loved plain 'ol Cheerios (not the honey nut)... just plain. I didn't think they were miniature, stale donuts then. And now because I'm so used to honey-nut this and yogurt-burst that, plain, simple goodness has lost it's attraction. Everything has to be covered in cheese or gravy or sprinkled over, filled with, dipped in, spread with... you get the idea.
I once went on the SCD diet, which is such a "eat from the earth" diet and I had never felt healthier, more energetic and happy in my life. It says something that taking crap like syrups, oils, starches and fillers out of your diet can really cleanse your system and boost your immunity.
I wish the government would catch on to this. It's so hard to acknowledge this and recognize these issues but practice it at the same time, especially with two children and a VERY picky husband!
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