First, let me start off by saying: I just love that my office faces out to the street... and that I have amazing neighbors and children who live near us. I get to look out the window and see cute little family moments like this, and yes, I stalker-graphed Ronnie and her kids doing yardwork in the rain. (uh huh! she got 3 out of 4 of her kids to help her do yardwork. in. the. rain.) I mean, yeah they were bickering over who got to use and carry the hoe or pour water from the can etc, but they were all workin'! Not playing video gamesssss, watching tvvvvvvv, or eating pop-tarts by the computerrrrr. Nope, out with mama bear in the garden. SO CUTE. It put me in a good mood.

We were on day 4 being sick, but Kelli was getting better. She loves playing on the guest bed (don't know why). I guess she likes the fluffy pillows or something. I put batteries in this old guitar thing that used to be Sydney's finally, and she went to town.

Those eyelashes are gonna tickle her toes!

Elmo's World!

(aaaand, we're feeling a little better now)

wait is that a dimple?

burst of energy... and she's off!

Get back here, I'm gonna get you!!!!

Zoom! No you're not!

Sydney wanted me to get a picture of her for her "princess gallery".
(no clue. go with it)

So after her soccer game this morning (in which she cried the entire time again because the other kids are faster than her) Andy decided to take Sydney to a movie ("How to change a dragon" or something). Syd immediately decides that date with dad = dress up and dragon = character in a princess story therefore she needed to put on her princess dress. Then she kept saying "Okay, let's go see that princess movie!" and Andy had to keep correcting her "It's about a dragon" and she'd respond "yeah but with princesses in it right?"
(Maybe soccer just isn't for her. We should face it. Nurture the whole dance/chess thing?)

Now that Kelli is feeling better, Mom is back in town, Andy isn't traveling and the weekend has started... I suppose I don't have anymore excuses to ignore laundry, hm?
(and yes, the 2nd crip in our master bedroom has become the mighty clean clothes container... afterall, we don't want to just dump them on the floor until they have been folded... 8 days later. That would look "messy")

Don't forget what's waiting in there.
And a persuasive speech to write.
SO glad this week is over, but now I have to spend another week catching up!
kelli's hair is getting longer!!