We are shopping around for schools for Sydney and went to the open house at St. Gabriels the other day. Andy is in love with the program, and I was very impressed with the overall structure and curriculum there. Very nice school and awesome staff. The tuition is 'up there', but we're thinking you get what you pay for. We might look at a couple other places (St. Andrews and Regents) before sending in the application packet for St. Gabriels, but I have a feeling this might be Sydney's drop off location for the next 6 years.

On a side note: should I cut it again? I love her hair (in fact, I'm jealous of her hair). But it's hard to manage and she gets so hot in the summer, its a huge debacle in my brain right now.

"no. I want snuggles. I won't nap until you snuggles me. snuggles snuggles snuggles. pick me up! I am fresh from the tub, I smell good! One more sniff of the lavendar head Mom!! You know you want to!

If I ever need a few minutes to do something like make Sydney's breakfast or grab a cup of coffee, I just give Kelli my purse to unpack. She goes to town.
Nevermind the bucket of baby toys right next to her.

This is the Friday morning pout I am getting because I won't invite Julia (our neighbor) over at 7 o'clock in the morning to play. She won't understand that this girl is probably not even awake, nor able to PLAY at 7am...and keeps asking "now? can she come now? can I just call her on the phone and ask? what about now? is it time yet? why not?"
lately aidan gets up about 6:45 and lindsay not till sometime in the 8s. Somewhere around 7:15, 7:30, aidan asks me every day... "Want to go on a walk mommy. pwease?"
ReplyDeleteand the explanation ensues.
"its too cold out...lindsays still night night...i'm in my jammies"...none of which "work" for him and he keeps right on askin'.