A vegetarian's nightmare. Welcome to the Salt Lick y'all.
Andy's brother and his family came to visit and we all went out for Andy's birthday and loaded up on our protien.

There was a "band" playing and the girls wanted to dance afterwards!

When we got home, they all hand painted some Dora cookies and Sydney kept saying "this is not gluten free for me" and Maddie looked at her like she had 5 heads.

Caitlyn was satisfied with hers and ate it in about 4 bites.

My mom made a gluten free cookie cake as well (so Sydney could join in on the fun ~ and me too!) and as you can see, it barely made it to celebration time!

Can you see the mens' faces. We had to interrupt the NFL draft to sing Happy Birthday Daddy. Such a pain.
The following photos document Kelli & Papa. She LOVES her Papa (and can even say "Papa").

Oh yeah. This. Finally got this out. Aunt Amazing and Uncle Wonderful got Sydney this at that crazy toy store in Breckinridge, CO (on our ski trip like 2-3 mo ago?) and I've been a bit frightened to even know/see/experience this. But I finally submitted to it and we are now growing "sea monkeys". They hatched.
They are freakin' weird.
thanks, now i want some of their bbq sauce.