Well now this seems more REAL! Is it possible for my stomach to get any bigger?? WHEW! 5 or so more weeks to go and it seems like it might be approaching too fast! I want this time to stand still for a while. I keep thinking about being a mother of two, instead of just one and how my life will change. What will Kelli be like? How will this effect my time with Sydney? Will Andy EVER call the painters to come and do the nursery??? Do we have everything we need? What if I go early? AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!
Good news is, I still have it pretty easy. No major complaints at all. I am feeling cramps here and there, sore muscles, crickity bones etc. But that all comes with a sudden extra 45lbs I guess! I have alot of braxton hicks contractions everyday, but have learned to walk through them, or breathe through them. My cravings had subsided and I'm all about healthy food now. I guess Kelli wasn't too fond of the chocolate, cheese, cereal and peanut butter diet I had going there for a month or so. It's all about meat and vegetables now! Hopefully that will help prep me for a healthy and safe delivery!
your belly could not be any cuter!